Thursday, January 28, 2016

First week on efl class

The first week on EFL class was all about introduction to what we're going to learn in our EFL class. Our teacher for our EFL class is Mr. Michael, grade 8's homeroom teacher. He explained what we're going to learn, what books we're going to read and more.

The first activity we had was about writing words from the letters of our name. For example is Dhana, we must think what word starts with D, H, A, N and A. It could be an adjective or maybe a noun. My name is not too long yet not too short which gives me an advantage to finish first which is useless because I did not finish first. There are names longer than mine which took a long time to get it done.

The second thing we did is discuss about our novel. We learned about Khaled, Afghanistan and its timeline. We learned what had happened in Afghanistan. We knew that Afghanistan was once ruled by the Talibans and communist groups. After we discussed it, we were given words and questions. We are needed to find the meaning of the word and also answer the questions.

We had fun on the first week and I am excited to start reading the Kite Runner. ~Vincent

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