Tuesday, November 11, 2014

My Bucket List

Now - I'm 12 years old, and becoming a teenager, I have my own dreams or wishes before I die. It could be possible or impossible. My bucket list:
1.    To win a competition and get a medal.
2.    Meet my idols.
3.    Win a talent competition.
4.    To be known for what I am.
5.    Have as many friends as possible.
6.    Go to European countries and New Zealand.
7.    Do scuba diving.
8.    Complete The Watersong Series by Amanda Hocking.
9.    Spend nights in a hotel under the sea.
10. Design and have my own house or room.
11. Meet my best friend and spend time with her.

Some of them are impossible, but I'll try to complete it. It will cost a lot of money and hard work too. I will try to fulfill my dreams.  -Audrey F

Now, that I am 12 years old, I am facing new challenges. Like Alison in the article that I have read, she is able to do the thing that she wanted to do before she passed away. 

My own bucket list includes:
1.    Travel to all of the country in the world
2.    Get scholarships
3.    Get good careers
4.    Make my parents proud of me
5.    Meet my idols
6.    Stay in an underwater hotel
7.    To win competitions and get medals.
8.    Snorkeling
9.    Scuba diving
10.  Have a big birthday party with all of my friends

I will try to fulfill it all. -Angie

Now that I’m 12 years old and grade 7, I will set up my very own AWESOME bucket list. Bucket list is a list of things that we want to do before our souls fly and leave the earth. 

My AWESOME bucket list includes:
1.    Go to U.S.
2.    Meet Cristiano Ronaldo
3.    Meet Manchester United
4.    Travel around England 
5.    Snorkeling 
6.    Travel in a first class airplane
7.    Make 1 thing that is helpful
8.    Make proud of my parents
9.    Visit Sekolah Mentari Grand Surya after I graduated from high school
10. Play paintball
11. Stay at Marina Bay Sands Singapore
12. Watch a football match in Wembley
13. Eat Ovomaltine
14. Go to Vatican
15. Visit Burj Khalifa
16. Fight the Ender Dragon

This is my AWESOME bucket list for now. But of course, after I completed 1, I will find and change it with a new one. -Vincent
I am 12/Grade 7, and I’m already thinking about what I am going to do before I die, so I set up My Amazing Bucket List. Well, you don’t know WHEN you are going to die maybe later crashed by a car. So before I die here’s some stuff I’m going to do:
1.    Make my parents proud
2.    Have a car factory
3.    Master playing skateboard
4.    Adventure in the middle of the sea
5.    Find a mysterious island
6.    Buy a helicopter
7.    Know all the secrets of the world
8.    Find a mermaid
9.    Master all languages
10. Buy a submarine
11. Find Atlantis
12. Find Bigfoot
13. Collect cars
14. Jump from floor 20 and use an umbrella for the parachute
15. Build time machine and travel through time
16. Play my childhood games with my old friends for the last time

Then I’m done. He can take me whenever he wants. -Dhana

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